Hyundai Sonata: Components and Components Location - ESC(Electronic Stability Control) System - Brake SystemHyundai Sonata: Components and Components Location


1. ESC Control Module (HECU)
2. Front Wheel Speed Sensor
3. Rear Wheel Speed Sensor
4. Steering Wheel Angle Sensor
5. Yaw-late & Lateral G SEnsor
6. ABS Warning Lamp
7. Parking/EBD Warning Lamp
8. ESC OFF Lamp
9. ESC Function/Warning Lamp

    Description and Operation
    Description of ESC Optimum driving safety now has a name : ESC, the Electronic Stability Control. ESC recognizes critical driving conditions, such as panic reactions in dangerous sit ...

    See also:

    Highway driving
    Tires Adjust the tire inflation pressures to specification. Low tire inflation pressures will result in overheating and possible failure of the tires. Avoid using worn or damaged tires which m ...

    Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor (FTPS). Repair procedures
    Inspection 1. Connect the GDS on the Data Link Connector (DLC). 2. Measure the output voltage of the FTPS. Specifica ...

    Smart key precautions
    ✽ NOTICE If, for some reason, you happen to lose your smart key, you will not be able to start the engine. Tow the vehicle, if necessary, and contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. A ...